Hollow Distortion Blogs
Wednesday, May 25, 2005 My GO Adventure.
It began on a day kind of like this one that we experience today. It was very grim outside
not very friendly in the street. It didn't really make sense to all of us why we stayed where we currently stayed but yet
we lingered on. On long induring on our great adventure in this place known as GO. My sanity very slowly slipped away from
me as I knew it or once knew it atleast. We rocked on with our modern day jams, atleast they were modern day to us counting
that we got lost in this piece of shit hell hole known as GO and we had never been updated on anything else that was happening
in the outside world, and good friends of the many legends that you'll hear of from time to time through out the population
updates of this place. For you see that we didn't exactly get to see public much through out our horrific stay at this place.
So we more or less stayed frozen in time as we indulged in our studies of many random thoughts and experiences through the
technology world. Some were kept to us and others were spoken through out the long days that we struggled with. I once heard
a saying from a friend that I used to know, the story comes to the storyteller as water comes to the ocean from the flowing
rivers, for do not try to intervene with the almighty flow of the great river, let it flow as it does. Row with the flow as
it's spoken in a short phrase and you shall receive the words of the almighty flowing river. And on goes the process. And
in my time that I've spent here at GO I've learned so many new things and I've met so many new interesting people that I will
NEVER forget. My time is coming near that I will retire and be headed on my way into what is known by us as the "outside world."
With so many things left to discover and experience through out my life. The one thing that I will NEVER forget is the true
friends that I made at GO and the way they made me feel that I was equal to them. That I didn't have anything else left to
be in debt to them that all I had to do was just be there and it was all ok. I will NEVER forget that. How people just seemed
to fade out only to be remembered by some random action that they made therefore forcing them into a state of termination
or by completing their trade and heading into the outside world. My version of the legend began with 3 individuals that went
by Slim, Midnight, and Sketch. Sketch was a very hyper active son. Whenever he was called a "white boy" by another he would
react by informing them in a very ill manner that he in fact was "not white he was Italian." Therefore after I made the notification
that these 3 hung out with each other I labeled them the "Italian Mafia." I decided that this would be the group in which
I hung with the majority of the time I was here. These individuals held such things in common with myself such as similar
tastes in music. The hardcore selection of course. The one that goes by Midnight fascinated me in her own way with her unique
taste in music by informing me on a new genre of music entitled "Dark Wave." I'm not really sure how to describe this new
genre of music except that after listening to a band entitled "Cruxshadows" I descibed this experience as being as a poem
reading set to a musical beat that sounded something of a oldschool western salon type taste. Slim and Midnight started taking
an interest in one another somewhere along the beginning of their great adventures here at GO. And so they ended up going
out with each other in good time of course. This in no way bothered me I totally supported them and still do to this day in
their idividual stand as a gothic couple. I'm aware that it's wrong to label things I'm just doing my best to sound technical
for this is my GREAT ADVENTURE OF GO. Back to the story. There was one named Steven Smith that was the biggest nerd you would
ever come across in your time here at GO. Now I was something called a room leader in my room with Slim in A Bay at the time
Steven Smith slept on the top bunk over my bed. After breakfast on a usual morning I came back down and was standing in front
of A bay when everybody ran over to my room’s window. They were all looking into the room very hard like. I was like
fuck it time to clean the good old room. So I went inside. Accordingly this is what happened. There was some African American
dude just chilling and Steven Smith came out of the room the black dude said “Hey Fagget!” And Steven made a little
comment something like “Fuck you.” The black guy didn’t like that very much so he ran into the room after
Steven Smith and he through a bedsheet over his head and wailed on him in the head and chest. After the bedsheet came off
his head he ran outside with his CT book in hand and he through it at the black guy. Now there was two of them. They came
in through the bedsheet over Steven’s head and beat the shit out of him. Now, Steven decided to make one more comment
that caused a third black person to come into the room with the other two and the bedsheet yet again went over his head and
he got the shit beat out of him for the third time. When they were running out I was coming in with my cleaning supplies to
clean my room. The bedsheet slipped off of Steven’s head and he was redder than a fucking apple. I said one thing to
the little tyke. “Are you ok Steven?” Before I go into the next part of this story I’m sure you know what
it sounds like when a baby or small child cries. It sounds like a plain crashing. How they start with the high tone and go
into the lower tone of the crying and right before the crash seems that it will happen the little sobs come from their little
nose. Back to the story. Steven was redder than a fucking apple. After I asked him that question. It was funny as hell. He
started climbing the latter to get into his bed and as he was going up the plain was coming down. He balled like a little
bitch for atleast 20 minutes. That day was known as BBD: BEDSHEET BEAT DOWN. Chris Brewer was the homo that we know that we
could get the famous quote from "CT gives you homosexual tendencies." And I thought "Hell Nah." Back to the story. Slim and
Midnight were standing in the ghetto ass court yard with the picnic tables made out of concrete surrounding them as it was
nightfall all around. Slim ended up using the classic line "Do you see the stars above Midnight?" Midnight replied "Why yes
I do. Why might you ask Slim?" And Slim replied "I've been counting those stars up there and for every star I could count
I would think of a reason why your special to me. There is only one problem." Midnight said "And what's that Slim?" Slim in
his smooth pimpness replied "I ran out of stars." And so they started going out. Sketch was very sporatac he ended up going
out with many randomized cracked out caucasion skanky chicks around this mo fo. One day later on down the road in trade I
was sitting doing the usual training dealio. Sketch came in and requested that I get him two gloves for some odd reason. I
replied "Sure." Handed him the gloves that he requested. Later on that day after trade I saw him walking down the sidewalk
with a very solemn look upon his face. It turned out that he had returned to Welding which was currently his trade and he
filled both gloves with a flammable gas and took a lighter to each one. Now this crazy motherfucker accordingly almost blew
welding up. Therefore he was terminated. With the absence of Sketch in the Italian Mafia we lacked a father for the AKA Family.
So therefore Slim came to rise in power with Midnight at his side as the Empress to The Family. Now this also meant that we
had new slots in The Family for other idividuals as ourselves to join and this also meant that the once former Italian Mafia
or The Family needed a change in name once the original father was terminated. Therefore we renamed to The Brotherhood and
Hitman, Koby, Malakia, Heavy D, and Buck joined in as the ranking Bitches With Respect. And we also formed the great Economy.
The Economy worked in a way that we received snack every night at 8:30 PM. We would save our snacks and give all of them to
the new father Slim. We started out selling the snacks at .50 cents a pop. This built a quick revenue of money for us to work
with in The Economy. Hitman was the first African American member of The Brotherhood. He didn't so much listen to the hardcore
stuff music wise but none the less listen to the common but lesser and weaker Punk Rock music genre. Hitman got his name because
he was always walking around talking about how he was going to pull someone into the shadows and beat the shit out them if
not take their life. At around this time Hitman had this one motherfucker that came into CT one day that was a CEP. More or
less a CEP is a poser wannabe CT member. This CEP fucker became known as Toddler Penis because he was so small. He started
talking shit to Hitman and they almost got into it. This resulted in THE FAMOUS JUMP WEEK. Now this was the week that a bunch
of stupid ass redneck motherfuckers got together and formed some club together called the Cracker Killers. Basically on Jump
Week all these dumb rednecks got jumped by a bunch of African Americans and got fuct up. There was a big rumor around this
time going around that all the white people on campus were in the KKK. Now in no way was I ever racist but I was accused of
it all this week by random fuck heads. Me and Slim at first thought that we would be the next to be jumped or in other words
lock and socked. This was where a group of people wearing masks would get a sock and put a pad lock inside and beat the shit
out of you with it. It turned out that me and Slim heard about this gay ass group of Cracker Killers we figured that they
were the only ones to be jumped that week end of that. Koby was also African American and was definetly one of the most hyper
active minors that I've ever come across in my time. Koby also highly resembled Dave Chapelle. Koby got his nickname by default.
Malakia got his nickname because he claimed that he had some descendent of the actual Malakia the vampire. He was a very hyper
active minor that of course didn't know much in the first place. Heavy D got his nickname counting that he was very much overweight
and his first named started with a D and also from the fact that he didn't really have a very well suited nickname already.
As in common with Malakia Heavy D was also a very big dumbass the only difference . And Buck was the newest member of The
Brotherhood. He got his nickname by default meaning that he just came in with it already selected so that was what he was
known by. Buck was a motherfucker you didn't want to fuck with. In no way did he plan on hurting anybody it's just that if
you planned on fucking with him the shit he knew would make you think twice. Buck knew Nin Jitsu a form of self defense. This
motherfucker knew how to use grass as a weapon. Buck was the first to fade out as so many others had in my time at GO. He
got his old job back in his hometown and left. One day we were having The Brotherhood meeting which was very important and
which was where we updated each other on what was happening with The Brotherhood and not only was the usual meeting happening
on this day but Malakia and Hitman were being promoted a rank in The Brotherhood which was known as "The Ceremony Of The Royal
Pimp Smacking." Now all members of The Brotherhood were expected to attend this meeting and ceremony afterwards. Hitman informed
us that he was going to return shortly but he had to leave. He was seen leaving and went to CT where he caught himself up
in a intriguing game of Counter Strike. We decided that this shed great shame on The Brotherhood on his part. Therefore relieving
him of our posse. Malakia under went the great ceremony and received his promotion to Officer in The Brotherhood. Koby was
the one that commenced The Ceremony Of The Royal Pimp Smacking. He put some of that old school back hand pimp smack down on
Malakia’s dumbass. Malakia cried like a little pussy for about 3 hours instead of feeling sorry for him we through his
little precious book on top of the “Ghettho Shelter.” He started bitching about it so we just left. Koby ended
up fading out pretty fast as well. He didn’t make it far enough through the good old trade fast enough. Kenny Brown
one of the staff members called both Koby and Hitman up about progress they were making in Trade. And when Hitman tried to
get Koby to come with him Koby said “ No, Fuck that shit! I’m not going anywhere. That dicksucker can come down
here if he wants to see me!” So Hitman was all like “Fuck It!!!!” And he left saw Kenny Brown. Ended up
studying his ass off and he passed the test got to stay in CT. Koby didn’t he got kicked out about a week later. Malakia’s
dumbass ended up breaking the fucking window to Slim’s, Heavy D’s, and my room. Malakia was standing outside talking
to me and Heavy D and I told Heavy D to “Shut the fucking widow! It’s cold as fuck outside!” And Malakia
was all like “Fuck It!” So the motherfucker slammed our god damned window shut hard as hell and shattered the
motherfucker. Glass went everywhere. The staff just changed the window and kicked his dumb fucking wannabe poser ass the fuck
out of GO the next day. Bye Bye Malakia. He said his pussy hurts. Anyway. Later on down the road Haystack, Chicken, and B1g
P1mp1n joined our little group. See, eventually down the road we didn’t need The Brotherhood anymore now it was all
about “THE ECONOMY.” Me, Slim, and B1g P1mp1n rose to power very quickly through our smart white hustle. See we
worked through something we call The Network. We flipped our money repeated times over and over again. It was farely entertaining
while it lasted. We would advertise everybody within side The Network. B1g P1mp1n got his nickname from him just being himself.
He was B1g and he was P1mp1n. Chicken accordingly got his nickname from some cracked out story about how he started saying
“Chicken and Gravy.” A bunch of times with his brother or something. Yup. Haystack was always just Haystack I
don’t have any idea about this one. Slim ended up getting terminated down the road because his locker was searched
while we were in trade and a butterfly knife was found in his locker. But on a serious note though he was never really terminated
he was allowed to keep his trade book so that he could study while he was at home and come back to take the big test to become
A certified at a later time. So more or less he was put on temporary leave. I ended up accomplishing gaining my A+ certification,
career skills, and so much more. I’ve had a good time at GO for the most part. This is the end. Monday, April 04, 2005
To all my friends. This in no way is a test of my faith in you as my friends. I've just had bad experiences
in my life with certain individuals calling themselves my friends that ended up using me for everything they could get out
of me. If your intentions are to gain anything from being friends with me just do yourself a favor and delete yourself from
my friend's list. My intentions of having you on my friend's list in the first place is to get to know you for who you are
and find a true friend in you. Someone who doesn't care about what you look like or what you act like. Just to be accepted
for who you are. Come as you are. I will accept your friendship. I love all of you who are my true friends. Thank you for
being there for me. I'll never forget you. Friday, March 25, 2005 My Only One. Tori my only one. I will never cheat on or hurt her. She makes me feel like I have a reason
to exist. I love you always Tori. You are my only one. 8:06 PM Tuesday, March 08, 2005 My Girl. Sometimes in life I feel like I'm just floating along on a river of time. And one day I
came across somebody that was really important to me. Tori is her name. I started out by getting to know her and I decided
that I liked her enough to ask her out. She said yeah and now we're going out. I couldn't be happier. Some of her family doesn't
really like me that much counting that there is a difference in our ages. But that doesn't matter to me. Because I see age
as just a number. It's the way the person makes you feel that's important. And I would never hurt Tori. I love her. And that
makes me feel like I have a reason to live my life atleast. XO to you Tori. 1:15 PM Sunday, January 30, 2005
How I Felt. That night I felt like the world was on fire. Felt like I couldn't get any higher. I contribute
my existence to your fact. And with in this statement I make a pact. I wish you the world, from beyond the stars of what is
already known. These feelings that I felt were for Tori and no one esle. Just for you babe. 5:38 PM Thursday, November 04, 2004 Down In Flames. About 2 years ago. I was sitting at my house bored off my ass. That's when my mother asked
me "hey do you want to come with me to the mall to run some errands?" So I said "yeah I'll go." I stood outside the mall and
let my mother go ahead and walk in so I could finish my cigarette. I went in and ran straight into one of my old friends.
She was with 2 females that I didn't know. They asked me if I wanted to hang out with them so I said "yeah." We went outside
to get a smoke. And that was when my old friend introduced me to the 2 other females. One named Kelly and the other Kali.
When I locked eyes with Kali I automatically fell in love with her. Kali was accordingly staying that night at Kelly's house.
So I got Kelly's phone number so we could hang out the next day. That entire night all I could think about was Kali and if
she liked me like that. The next day I called Kelly and got directions to her house and went over there. We hung out each
other for a couple of hours until I had to leave and that was when Kali approached me and gave me her phone number. I called
Kali that night and we talked I told her the way I felt for her and she said that she felt the same way so we started going
out that night. We went out for 3 months without fighting or arguing with each other what so ever. One night I was hanging
over at Kelly's house with Kali, Kelly, and one of my friends named Matt that ended up going out with Kelly. It started to
get late but Kali and Kelly didn't want me and Matt to leave. I asked Kelly "When is your mom going to sleep?" She told me
that her mom had taken some sleeping pills and she would be out in about 30 minutes or so. Kelly told me that I should go
with Matt down the street to a local gas station and call them on a payphone at 2 AM since it was currently 1:30 AM. So I
kissed Kali goodbye and me and Matt went down the street. There we were sitting in front of the payphone when 2 AM hit and
I called Kelly's house. She told me that her mother wasn't asleep yet and to call back in 30 more minutes. So I said ok. I
came back to the car and told Matt what Kelly had said. Matt says to me "I've got to go to the bathroom and I'm kind of hungry.
But I don't really feel like going in this gas station. Do you know any other place we can go that has more of a party atmosphere?"
I said "Dude its 2 AM. The only place I know that would even have a slight bit more human activity is the grocery store down
the street." So Matt said "Ok then lets go there." So we went. Me and Matt walked in and started straight to the back of the
store towards the bathroom. Somewhere half way down the chip aisle I decided to see if a price tag on the shelf was flammable.
I lit the price tag on fire. I said "Hey Matt. Check it out." And pointed to the fire. Matt said "Big deal man. Put it out
and lets go." So I swatted at it with my hand and the flame went out. I walked to the end of the aisle and turned back to
double check it. The flames were as long as my arms and burning all the merchandise on the shelf. I ran back to it and swatted
at it with both of my arms and the flames went out. But before I left I didn't double check it. And the plastic coating that
the price tag had been made out of was melting and a piece of it dripped on to a bag of chips and set it back on fire. I had
turned around and went to the bathroom. When me and my friend Matt came out of that washroom the flames were to the ceiling.
My friend Matt went outside and I ran straight up to the fire and swatted at it with both my arms and legs but it was to great.
I started getting smoke inhalation so I went outside the store to join my friend Matt. We waited 20 minutes and the cops and
fire fighters finally got there. They qustioned all the employees of the store and the customers about the fire. I told the
cops that I didn't know what happened but I tried to put the fire out when I noticed it. My friend Matt said about the same
thing. It ended up that they had cameras in the store and the cops claimed that they had me on camera starting the fire. I
got arrested with my friend Matt. Counting that I was 17 I went to juvenile and my friend Matt was 18 so he went to jail.
I was so fucking depressed when I arrived at juvenile. Every night I spent in that shit hole I cried myself to sleep. I didn't
eat my first 2 weeks in there. I never talked to anyone. About 1 month into being locked up I got a call from my girlfriend
Kali. Kali said "Hey, it's good to talk to you. It's been awhile. Hey, I have something to say to you. You've been in there
for awhile now and you still haven't been to court yet. I'm out here and your in there. So....I want to break up." I begged
and pleaded with Kali not to break up with me. I told her that I loved her more than anyone that I had ever met in my life.
But there was no changing her mind. She was gone. My whole reason for living was gone. I didn't have shit left except a fucking
brick wall to stare at, stiff ass bed to sleep on, and a fucking barred up window to look out of. I cried so hard that night.
I didn't say anything to anyone. I didn't even come out of my cell for visitation when my mother came to see me. Nothing mattered
to me. I eventually went to court and pleaded guilty. I was charged with arson of the 1st degree. I was told that I did over
1 million dollars in damage to that store but because they had insurance I didn't have to pay anything back. My punishment
was 3 months of short term program. I was transfered from juvenile in my home town to boot camp in south GA. I got my fucking
ass kicked until I would bleed everday for 3 months straight. And finally my day came when I was released. I got out and went
back home. I saw Kali about a month later and tried to talk to her. She told me "Ryan, I've moved on. I've matured. I won't
go back out with you. You're to immature for me." In that moment I was shot down by the only girl I ever loved that much.
I was Down In Flames. 11:06 AM Thursday, November 04, 2004 Banned Forever. About 3 years ago I was attending a public highschool called Northwest Highschool in my
home town Dalton, GA. I was 16 at the time. I was always rejected by the popular kids in that highschool so I decided that
I needed to try and make friends with other people. That's the day I noticed them standing in the corner of the cafeteria
a group of other teens that were dressed in all black. I decided that I would go over and start trying to talk to them. So
that's what I did. I started hanging out with them and we bacame better and better of friends with each other. I learned more
and more about the ways of becoming an outcast. I started wearing all black, listening to metal, and being defiant towards
authority figures. One night I got an idea, I figured that since we all held being outcasts in common with each other we should
be united in some way. And that's why on that night I formed the group known as AVN (American Vandalists Network). I had every
last one of my friends that was consider an outcast join AVN. We decided that our first target to strike would be the most
important authority figure in our lives at the time. And that was Northwest Highschool. I got 2 of my friends in AVN to come
with me at 2 AM on Moday morning. We went and broke into the highschool wearing black ski masks and gloves. Our mission was
to steal school funds that were accordingly in the principal's office. We searched everywhere for these funds but never found
shit so we left. The next time I went by myself because I couldn't get anyone else to go with me. I arrived at the highschool
at 2 AM with a black ski mask and gloves on. I broke in and flooded 6 bathrooms in the complex. We decided that we would strike
the school one last time. And this time we wouldn't go softcore on them. I got 2 of my friends to go with me for the third
time. As usual we arrived at 2 AM wearing black ski masks and gloves. We broke in and this time we spray painted the main
hallway up and down with stuff like Fuck You, Suck A Dick, and Fuck The Bruins. When we were in class just because we dressed
differently from everyone else that attended the highschool the administration would treat us differently then the rest of
the student body. So we then broke into each and every administrator's office and vandalized the shit out of it. We broke
their computers, we broke pictures that hung on the wall, and flipped their desks. After that we took a box of electronic
devices that the highschool administration had tooken away from students that had brought the devices to school. We planned
on giving the devices back to the students they belonged to because we didn't agree with the school taking something that
you would have spent your hard earned money on. And after that we ended the wonderful night with breaking into the science
area of the highschool. And in the science room that we broke into they have these gas faucets that are used for science experiments.
We turned on 8 gas faucets. Accordingly emptying 420 lbs of phosphate gas into the highschool. After that we left the highschool.
We drove past the front of the highschool the next day. It was covered in local cops and FBI. We even made the local news.
How fun. Anyway. We went back to highschool 2 days later. Everything was all good until the end of the day. When they made
the end of the day announcements they announced that over the weekend 3 vandalists had broken in and that if any students
had any information leading up to the arrest and conviction of the vandalists that they would receive a $1,000.00 scholarship
to any college in GA. After school that day we burned all the evidence that linked us to that crime. The only problem was
somebody that was in AVN liked to brag about the things that we had done to the highschool. It turned out that I was pulled
into the office to talk to a detective and that he already knew I was the one that broke in he just didn't know who the other
two individuals were. He told me that we had done $6,650.00 dollars in damage. And that I would have to pay all that off unless
I gave him the other two's names. I thought about it for a long time. And since I didn't have a job at the time and my mother
would have to pay that off by herself. I told him their names. I stayed locked up in juvenile for a week, served 6 months
house arrest, was banned from every public highschool in the United States of America, and served 6 months of intensive probation.
After I was done serving my time I buried AVN forever. 8:40 AM Wednesday, October 27, 2004 Ravn For Eternity. I've got close friends that I hang out with where I currently am. They are some of the closest
friends that I've had in my life. They treat me as an equal. Unlike a lot of the friends that I've had in the past. Straight
up this is for them. I will forever be a Ravn for eternity. 9:11 AM Monday, October 18, 2004
A Vision of Disorder. Today. Today is a bad day. I've had so many thoughts today about life. What the fuck is
the point of life? There is no point. We all know that we will die eventually. So the only point to life is death. Life is
like a sentence, it always ends with a punctuation mark. The punctuation mark in this case would be death. What is the point
of us even being born on this Earth if we are only going to die eventually? Nothing between the time you are born to the time
that you die matters because you will eventually die anyway. And that makes no sense. Therefore the only thing that does make
sense is death. I believe the one thing that would make the most sense of all is if everyone on the Earth was to get together
with their loved ones, hold hands, put a firearm into their mouth's, and blow their fucking brains out. All at once ending
the world as we know it, one big global suicide. That is a vision of disorder. 2:41 PM |
Thursday, October 07, 2004 A Premonition of A Grave Discovery. I became ill a couple of days ago with upper respiratory infection and then right after
healing from that I came down with strep throat. I went and saw a nurse to help me diagnose my illness. The day after I saw
the nurse I went back for another check up and she informed me that just the previous night she had had a dream that I died.
And in that very moment the line came to me. A Premonition of A Grave Discovery. The Raven Flies Alone. 12:08 PM Wednesday, September 08, 2004 Already Dead. 4 years ago I was in a really serious car accident with my sister. Our mother's only two
kids. We collided with a tractor trailer at 80 MPH. My sister took the collision on the steering wheel and broke every bone
in her face and I took the collision on the dashboard in my left eye. My brain slammed into the front of my skull and on the
recoil of the collision into the back of my skull bruising both the front and back, I broke my noise, had enternal bleeding
from every one of my organs, and my left elbow was shattered into three pieces. On the recoil our bodies came back with so
much force we broke the bench front seat of her car in half and were left in a lying position. The collision with the tractor
trailer set it off balance and it fell on top of my sister's car destroying it. I was knocked unconscience on collision. Unfortunately
for my sister she was still conscience left with blood and spinal fluid gushing from every opening in her head. Shortly after
the paramedics arrived on the scene of the accident she went unconscience as well. We were airlifted to the nearest hospital
which was Erlanger Medical Center in a town called Chattanooga, TN. It turned out that my sister needed reconstructional surgery
done on her face to repair the bones that had been broken. Everything in that department went smoothly. I on the other hand
wasn't so fortunate, I had internal head trauma. I was kept in a drug induced coma for 2 weeks while other necessary surgeries
were performed on me. My sister said "If he dies I wont be able to deal with the guilt of killing my own brother." The doctor
informed my family "It doesn't look good for him. He has a lot of swelling in the front and back of the brain. He probably
has less than a 5% chance of living. And if he does live chances are that when he comes to he'll most likely be brain dead."
My mother and sister cried upon hearing this. 2 days after my second week in the hospital, I awoke not having any memory of
what had happened. I couldn't remember how to walk, eat, who anybody was, where I lived, my childhood, and basic education.
I was taught how to do everything all over again. I was back in school 6 months after that accident. The point of me telling
this story is for all I'm concerned I died 4 years ago....and on that day I awoke in the hospital I was reborn in the mind
to start a new life. And that is why I will forever be Already Dead. 10:33 AM